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Facts about fishes

Fish is an important part of a healthy diet. They contain high-quality protein and many important vitamins and minerals, are low in saturated fat, and contain essential omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil is important for the heart and blood system. Omega -3 can relax our arteries and improve blood circulation in the heart. It is also very important for children's proper growth and development. The scientific evidence suggests that fish oil really helps to prevent heart diseases and stroke when taken in the recommended amounts.

Mackerel we use is one of the most nutritious pelagic fish and excellent source of vitamin D that is important for absorption of calcium needed for bones, and very important for our immunity. It is also an excellent source of minerals including: iodine, iron, zinc, and niacin.


Sardines are also rich in minerals and vitamins. They are one of the most concentrated sources of the vitamin B12. Sardines deliver more calcium as any other food because of their soft and edible bones.


Our products are natural and free of additives and preservatives. The process of cooking and sterilization does not cause the loss of omega-3 as well as other essential nutrients. Make the fish a regular part of your diet!